Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Hecro Adventures #3 : Trick for Win (Super Fiction)

Hellocross! Akhirnya Hecro Adventure sudah masuk episode 3. Karena Episode pertama dalam tahun 2011 episode ini akan spesial karena episode ini adalah SFA.
Q.Apaan tuh?
A.SFA adalah Super Fiction Adventure!

Q.Bedanya Apa?
A. Di Episode ini unsur Fiksinya akan lebih dari yang lain karena akan ada kejadian yang gak mungkin dilakuin di dunia pokemon sekalipun!

Q.Trus, klo gak mungkin kenapa dimasukin dalam cerita
A. Karena gw suka mengatakan "Di dunia ini semua hal mungkin terjadi"

Q.Ya udah gw baca dulu ya!

Q.Bacanya dari atas?

Q.Bacanya dari kiri apa kanan?

Q.Ceritanya bahasa Indonesia atau Jepang?
A.Bahasa Indonesia! Udah cepet baca!

Setelah bertarung dengan Chard akupun kembali ke Pokemon Center Ilex forest untuk menemui kakakku. Aku kembali bersama dengan Herocross, Heracross milikku. setelah berjalan cukup lama, aku bisa melihat Pokemon Center Ilex forest dan di depannya berdirilah suster Joy dan orang yang sangat kukenal...Kakakku!. Dari sini aku mendengar suara kakak memanggilku "Hecroo..!!". Aku merasakan Kakak akan bangga karena telah mendapatkan Heracross dan aku merasa akan terjadi hal yang menakjubkan : Kakak bangga padaku. Aku berlari penuh semangat menghampiri Kakak, dan Kakak melakukan hal yang sama. Aah inilah saat-saat yang tidak terlupakan! Kakak bangga padaku dan kami berpelukan, yaah walaupun menjijikan tapi kami itu bersaudara, jadi tak apalah! pikirku. Kami semakin dekat dan aku mulai menjulurkan tangan untuk memeluk Kakak, tapi...
"Aduh! Apa-apaan ini!" Kataku kesakitan karena kejadian yang kupikirkan tidak berlangsung gembira tetapi malah aku dijitak Kakak. Dan kalian tidak akan percaya kakak akan berkata apa. Kakak berkata "Hecro! Kau kemanakan Scytherku!". Ya, itulah yang dia katakan. Brengsek! Seharusnya kau mencemaskan adikmu ini! Harusnya kau berkata 'Hecro kau tidak apa-apa?' atau apalah!
"Hei! Cepat mana Scytherku!".
"Iya-iya... nih!" Aku memberikan pokeball yang berisi Scyther.
"Nah... bagus-bagus, kau tidak melukainya kan?" tanya kakak. Umm... kalau aku bilang kepada kakak kalau Scythernya kupakai melawan Charizard, bisa mati aku! Kakak berhenti menatapku dan mulai melihat pokemon dibelakangku, ya itu Herocross. Kakakku berkata "Itu Heracross-mu?". Kupikir Kakak akan mulai menghajar seekor Heracross yang baru saja menghantamnya sampai ia pingsan. Tapi hal itu tidak terjadi, apakah sekarang ini dunia terbalik? Dan Kakakku berkata "Kau sudah memasukannya pada Pokeball?".
"Belum." Jawabku.
"Berarti Heracross itu belum menjadi milikmu!" Bentak Kakak.
"Kalau harus mengalahkannya, pakai Pokemon apa?" Tanyaku lagi.Kakak mulai terlihat jengkel.
"Nih pakai Pokemonku!" Kakak melemparkan Pokeball kepadaku. Sambil mengeluarkan Pokemon aku bertanya "Di dalam ini Scyther punya Kakak?". Kakak menjawab sambil tersenyum "Bukan."
"Hah? APA!" Aku melihat Pokemon yang baru saja kukeluarkan.
"Bertarunglah ^ ^"
Ternyata Pokemon yang Kakak pinjamkan adalah seekor Croagunk.
"Yo!" Sambut Croagunk.
"Croagunk itu sebenarnya hasil breed pertamaku. Telurnya dari Ayah sebelum pergi, tapi... kuberikan kepadamu sebagai hadiah! hehehe" Ucap Kakak sambil tersenyum.
"Huh baiklah! Croagunk! hmm.... dia bisa lakukan apa kak?"
"Karena masih baru menetas dia hanya bisa melakukan Astonish dan Drain Punch."
"Cross?" Herocross terlihat bingung.
"Baiklah Croagunk! Astonish!"
"Gunk!" Croagunk membuat Herocross mundur selangkah. Dan saat yang tepat untuk melakukan serangan lagi "Croagunk Drain Punch!". Croagunk melompat kearah Herocross akan tetapi Herocross menghindari Drain Punch Croagunk.
"Cross!" Herocross menghantamkan tanduknya kepada Croagunk. BRUK! Croagunk terbanting begitu keras.
"Sial!" Ucapku. Ah! Aku punya ide!  Aku menghampiri Herocross dan berbisik "Kau pura-puralah kalah nanti kuberi getah pohon!"
"Hei-hei cepat lanjutkan!" Kata  Kakak.
"Iya-iya, Ayo Croagunk! Drain Punch!" Kali ini aku tidak tahu siasatku berhasil atau tidak, itu tergantung Herocross. Dan ternyata itu berhasil! Herocross tidak bergerak dan ia terkena Drain Punch sepenuhnya.
"Herocross pura-pura kalah!" bisikku lagi. Herocross menerima komando dariku.
"Cross...." Herocross pura-pura pingsan.
"Yes! Hahai! berhasil!"
"Dasar licik! Nih Pokeballnya" Aku menagkap Pokeball yang dilemparkan Kakak.
"Thanks!" Kulempar Pokeball kearah Herocross dan tinggal menunggu apakah dia akan masuk atau tidak karena pasti HP-nya masih penuh, ini tergantung keberuntungan. ping..ping..ping..ckrek!
"WOW!" Aku tercengang setelah melihat kejadian ini dan kali ini aku benar-benar yakin bahwa dunia sudah terbalik!

Q.Ceritanya Biasa Ah!
A.Biasa apa maksudnya?

Q.Gak terlalu Fiksi

Q.Kejadiannya masih mungkin dilakukan
A.Kan gw udah bilang "Di dunia ini semua hal mungkin terjadi" Hehehe


Tunggu Episode Berikutnya ya ^ ^

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

DW2010 Gate8 : NAV vs BUL

Terrel G > navilink47 (kak L)
ChrisT > bulbasaurvsturtwig

Battle between ChrisT and Terrel G started!

Tier: Wifi Ubers
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: No Timeout
Rule: Species Clause

Terrel G sent out WhiteLove! (Jirachi)
ChrisT sent out NagaWesi! (Dialga)
The foe's NagaWesi is exerting its Pressure!
Terrel G: Tunggu... mau set kamera dulu
ChrisT: ok
Terrel G: yang lainnya suruh masuk gih...
Terrel G: buat jadi saksi
[POIN]Giratina's Law is watching the battle.
[POIN]Giratina's Law: DW?
[PSI]Police is watching the battle.
[PSI]Police: Gogogog! :D
Leonidas is watching the battle.
[POIN]Giratina's Law: Kak L~~~~~~~~ >3<
[PSI]Police: (bukan berarti anjing mengongong)
[POIN]Giratina's Law: (homo mode on*)
Leonidas: Wow
Terrel G: ia, DW
Terrel G: tunggu ya
Terrel G: pasang kamera dulu
[PSI]Police: oke :)
[POIN]Giratina's Law: ceklik
Leonidas: Wkwkwkwk
Leonidas: Kayaknya yg paling terakhir DW aku sama Xllade XD
[POIN]Giratina's Law: 123 action!!
Terrel G: ok
[POIN]Giratina's Law: (emang sinetron)
Terrel G: Dragon Wars 2010~
[PSI]Police: dimulai!
Terrel G: eh, Giratina siapa?
[POIN]Giratina's Law: Abby Yoga kk
Terrel G: o

Start of turn 1
WhiteLove used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
The foe's NagaWesi lost 8% of its health!
[POIN]Giratina's Law: maaf kak waktu itu salah post
Terrel G called WhiteLove back!
Terrel G sent out Leftovers! (Claydol)

The foe's NagaWesi used Earth Power!
It had no effect!

Leonidas: 3..2..1 GOOOO SUUUU!!!
min min is watching the battle.

Start of turn 2
ChrisT called NagaWesi back!
ChrisT sent out dewa! (Arceus-Ghost)

Leftovers used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around ChrisT's team!

[POIN]Giratina's Law: go go go!!!
[PSI]Police: gogogo!

Start of turn 3
The foe's dewa vanished instantly!

Leftovers used Reflect!
Reflect raised Terrel G's team defense!

[PSI]Police: Dragon Wars 2010~
[POIN]Giratina's Law: mulai!!
[LEGEND]eliten is watching the battle.
[PSI]Police: emang udah dimulai
Terrel G: sial
Terrel G: grogi
[PSI]Police: wew
[LEGEND]eliten: kak L~!!
ChrisT: sama
[PSI]Police: gogogo!
[PSI]Police: jangan grogi! :D
ChrisT: ini turnamen pertamaku
[PSI]Police: oh pantesan

Start of turn 4
Terrel G called Leftovers back!
Terrel G sent out Master! (Dialga)

Master is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's dewa used Shadow Force!
It's not very effective...
Master lost 48 HP! (13% of its health)

[LEGEND]eliten: pantes

Start of turn 5
ChrisT called dewa back!
ChrisT sent out NagaWesi! (Dialga)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's NagaWesi!

The foe's NagaWesi is exerting its Pressure!
Master used Draco Meteor!
Leonidas: aku aja yg nonton deg"kan
The foe's NagaWesi lost 85% of its health!
Master's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
The foe's NagaWesi fainted!

min min stopped watching the battle.
[POIN]Giratina's Law: aku juga paling kalo aku ikut grogi & deg degan
ChrisT sent out nagaBanyu! (Gyarados)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's nagaBanyu!

The foe's nagaBanyu intimidates Master!
Master's Attack fell!

Start of turn 6
Terrel G called Master back!
Terrel G sent out Shield! (Palkia)

Shield is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's nagaBanyu used Earthquake!
Shield lost 66 HP! (20% of its health)

The foe's nagaBanyu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[LEGEND]eliten: aku udah pernah ikut OU circuit (?)

Start of turn 7
Shield used Thunder!
It's super effective!
The foe's nagaBanyu lost 81% of its health!
The foe's nagaBanyu fainted!

Terrel G's reflect wore off!
ChrisT sent out JaranLaut! (Kingdra)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's JaranLaut!

Terrel G: deg-degan
Terrel G: sumpah
[POIN]Giratina's Law: ???
ChrisT: sama!
[POIN]Giratina's Law: sama
[POIN]Giratina's Law: loh?
[LEGEND]eliten: namanya jawa semua

Start of turn 8
The foe's JaranLaut used Draco Meteor!
The attack of the foe's JaranLaut missed!

Shield used Outrage!
It's super effective!
The foe's JaranLaut lost 87% of its health!
The foe's JaranLaut fainted!

ChrisT sent out NagaIreng! (Zekuromu)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's NagaIreng!

The foe's NagaIreng has TeraVoltage!

Start of turn 9
Shield used Outrage!
It's super effective!
The foe's NagaIreng lost 87% of its health!
The foe's NagaIreng fainted!

Shield calmed down!
Shield became confused!
ChrisT sent out dewa! (Arceus-Ghost)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's dewa!

Leonidas: Aah gimana nih nanti mau lawan Xllade! DX Deg"kan bangeet!
[POIN]Giratina's Law: go kak L
[POIN]Giratina's Law: !!!
ChrisT: sampe merinding!

Start of turn 10
The foe's dewa used Outrage!
It's super effective!
[LEGEND]eliten: ayo kak L~!!
Shield lost 255 HP! (79% of its health)
Shield fainted!

[POIN]Giratina's Law: ada setan....
[LEGEND]eliten: |||O_O|||
Terrel G sent out LightGreen! (Rayquaza)

LightGreen has Air Lock!

Start of turn 11
The foe's dewa used Outrage!
It's super effective!
LightGreen lost 318 HP! (90% of its health)

LightGreen used Draco Meteor!
The attack of LightGreen missed!

Start of turn 12
The foe's dewa used Outrage!
It's super effective!
LightGreen lost 33 HP! (9% of its health)
LightGreen fainted!

The foe's dewa calmed down!
The foe's dewa became confused!
[POIN]Giratina's Law: AAAAH setan Eliten!!!!
[POIN]Giratina's Law: XD
Leonidas: -_-
Terrel G sent out Claw! (Groudon)

Claw's Drought intensified the sun's rays!
ChrisT: deg-degan
[LEGEND]eliten: =='

Start of turn 13
The foe's dewa is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
The foe's dewa lost 9% of its health!

Claw used Earthquake!
The foe's dewa lost 54% of its health!
Claw is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 14
The foe's dewa is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
The foe's dewa lost 8% of its health!

Claw used Earthquake!
The foe's dewa lost 13% of its health!
The foe's dewa fainted!
Claw is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sunlight is strong!
[POIN]Giratina's Law: (garing
ChrisT sent out konslet! (Rotom-H)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's konslet!
Leonidas: jagoan kak L di Uber keluar! XD

Start of turn 15
Claw used Stone Edge!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
The foe's konslet lost 75% of its health!
The foe's konslet fainted!
Claw is hurt by its Life Orb!

Terrel G won the battle!
Terrel G: That's my skill to control the dragons...
ChrisT: no, I lost aku akan membalasmu!
[LEGEND]eliten: Groudon~!!
ChrisT: pertandingam tercepat
Terrel G: ah
Terrel G: menang!
[POIN]Giratina's Law: ^_^b congrats
Leonidas: jangan dulu ditutup
[PSI]Police: wew
[LEGEND]eliten: hidup kak L~!!
ChrisT: merinding banget!!
Terrel G: iya
Terrel G: kita ngobrol dulu
[LEGEND]eliten: >.<b
Terrel G: Leo dah lawan Xllade?
[POIN]Giratina's Law: okeh
Leonidas: Bwaaakakakakak
[POIN]Giratina's Law: hai
Leonidas: iya
[LEGEND]eliten: kangen saya ma kak L
Leonidas: belum XD
ChrisT: biar lama
Terrel G: hahaha... :D
[POIN]Giratina's Law: >3<
[LEGEND]eliten: kak L~!!
Leonidas: LOLOLOL
[LEGEND]eliten: *hug #plak
[POIN]Giratina's Law: berpelukan
Leonidas: Bakal panjang nih XD
[POIN]Giratina's Law: (telettubies)

Battle Log diambil dari POIN

DW2010 Gate7 : PSY vs SEB

Shimmer > psychup
Ravens > sebbysworld

Battle between Ravens and Shimmer started!

Tier: Wifi Ubers
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Item Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Bagas is watching the battle.
Bagas: yo
Ravens: hai
Shimmer sent out Melusine! (Palkia)
Ravens sent out Magma Eater! (Groudon)
Melusine is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's Magma Eater's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

Start of turn 1
Melusine used Draco Meteor!
The foe's Magma Eater lost 86% of its health!
Melusine's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

The foe's Magma Eater used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Shimmer's team!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Magma Eater restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 2
Ravens called Magma Eater back!
Ravens sent out Bird of Hope! (Lugia)

The foe's Bird of Hope is exerting its Pressure!
Melusine used Draco Meteor!
The foe's Bird of Hope lost 17% of its health!
Melusine's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 3
Shimmer called Melusine back!
Shimmer sent out Forry! (Forretress)
Pointed stones dug into Forry!

The foe's Bird of Hope used Substitute!
The foe's Bird of Hope made a substitute!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 4
The foe's Bird of Hope used Roost!
The foe's Bird of Hope landed on the ground!
The foe's Bird of Hope regained health!

Forry used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of Ravens's team!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 5
Ravens called Bird of Hope back!
Ravens sent out Magma Eater! (Groudon)
The foe's Magma Eater is hurt by spikes!

Forry used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Ravens's team!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Magma Eater restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6
The foe's Magma Eater used Eruption!
It's super effective!
Forry lost 92 HP! (30% of its health)

Forry used Gyro Ball!
The foe's Magma Eater lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Magma Eater fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Ravens sent out White Blaze! (Reshiramu)
The foe's White Blaze is hurt by spikes!
The foe's White Blaze was poisoned!

The foe's White Blaze has Turbo Blaze!

Start of turn 7
The foe's White Blaze used Cross Flame!
It's super effective!
Forry lost 172 HP! (57% of its health)
Forry fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's White Blaze is hurt by poison!
Shimmer sent out Melusine! (Palkia)
Pointed stones dug into Melusine!

Melusine is exerting its Pressure!

Start of turn 8
Ravens called White Blaze back!
Ravens sent out Pearl Dragon! (Palkia)
The foe's Pearl Dragon is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Pearl Dragon was poisoned!

The foe's Pearl Dragon is exerting its Pressure!
Melusine used Draco Meteor!
The attack of Melusine missed!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Pearl Dragon is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 9
Melusine used Draco Meteor!
It's super effective!
The foe's Pearl Dragon's Haban Berry weakened Draco Meteor's power!
The foe's Pearl Dragon lost 75% of its health!
Melusine's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
The foe's Pearl Dragon fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Ravens sent out White Blaze! (Reshiramu)
The foe's White Blaze is hurt by spikes!

The foe's White Blaze has Turbo Blaze!

Start of turn 10
Shimmer called Melusine back!
Shimmer sent out Xiuhcoatl! (Reshiramu)
Pointed stones dug into Xiuhcoatl!

Xiuhcoatl has Turbo Blaze!
The foe's White Blaze used Dragon Pulse!
It's super effective!
Xiuhcoatl lost 257 HP! (75% of its health)
Xiuhcoatl fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's White Blaze is hurt by poison!
Shimmer sent out Melusine! (Palkia)
Pointed stones dug into Melusine!

Melusine is exerting its Pressure!

Start of turn 11
Melusine used Draco Meteor!
It's super effective!
The foe's White Blaze lost 50% of its health!
Melusine's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
The foe's White Blaze fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Ravens sent out Black Volt! (Zekuromu)
The foe's Black Volt is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Black Volt was poisoned!

The foe's Black Volt has TeraVoltage!

Start of turn 12
Shimmer called Melusine back!
Shimmer sent out Terra! (Groudon)
Pointed stones dug into Terra!

The foe's Black Volt used Outrage!
Terra lost 154 HP! (38% of its health)

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Black Volt is hurt by poison!
Terra restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13
The foe's Black Volt used Outrage!
Terra lost 157 HP! (38% of its health)

Terra used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Ravens's team!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Black Volt is hurt by poison!
Terra restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14
The foe's Black Volt used Outrage!
Terra lost 118 HP! (29% of its health)
Terra fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Black Volt is hurt by poison!
The foe's Black Volt calmed down!
The foe's Black Volt became confused!
Shimmer sent out Stainless! (Arceus-Steel)
Pointed stones dug into Stainless!

Bagas: yeah

Start of turn 15
Ravens called Black Volt back!
Ravens sent out Sky Blossom! (Shaymin-S)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Sky Blossom!

Stainless used Roar!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Bird of Hope!
The foe's Bird of Hope was dragged out!
The foe's Bird of Hope is exerting its Pressure!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 16
Stainless used Calm Mind!
Stainless's Sp. Att. rose!
Stainless's Sp. Def. rose!

The foe's Bird of Hope used Substitute!
The foe's Bird of Hope made a substitute!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 17
The foe's Bird of Hope used Calm Mind!
The foe's Bird of Hope's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Bird of Hope's Sp. Def. rose!

Stainless used Roar!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Black Volt!
The foe's Black Volt is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Black Volt was dragged out!
The foe's Black Volt has TeraVoltage!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Black Volt is hurt by poison!

Start of turn 18
Stainless used Judgment!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Black Volt lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Black Volt fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Ravens sent out Sky Blossom! (Shaymin-S)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Sky Blossom!

Start of turn 19
Stainless used Judgment!
The foe's Sky Blossom lost 50% of its health!
The foe's Sky Blossom fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Ravens sent out Bird of Hope! (Lugia)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Bird of Hope!

The foe's Bird of Hope is exerting its Pressure!

Start of turn 20
Stainless used Judgment!
The foe's Bird of Hope lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Bird of Hope fainted!

Shimmer won the battle!
Shimmer: Victory... Is my destiny...
Ravens: ... You ... better than me ... I hope we can battle again ...
Bagas: hate that arceus
Shimmer: gg
Bagas: XD
Ravens: gg
Ravens: me too
Shimmer: Thx ya :)
Ravens: yaa
Bagas: yup :)
Bagas stopped watching the battle

Battle Log diambil dari POIN